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[KI7]⋙ Download Gratis Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17 edition by Mike Hockney Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17 edition by Mike Hockney Politics Social Sciences eBooks

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Download PDF Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17  edition by Mike Hockney Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

Are you free, or are you a machine that suffers from a delusion that it’s free? Free will is perhaps the most important subject of all because if we are authentically free, scientific materialism is ipso facto false, and the world is in urgent need of a revolutionary paradigm shift. This book shows that free will has a most unexpected advocate – mathematics. Only in a mathematical universe can we be free. Only in a mathematical universe can we have a soul. And in a mathematical universe, free will is much better understood as will to power, and to have an intimate connection with cosmic symmetry and “God”. It’s all in the math!

Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17 edition by Mike Hockney Politics Social Sciences eBooks

This is the best (along with his others and those of the two associated writers) introductory modern series on rationalist idealism in Classical Greek & Cartesian & German Idealist philosophy & postmodernism, including Pythagoreanism/Illumination, Platonism, Hermetism, Gnosticism, Leibnizianism, Hegelianism, formal & natural & social science, religion, and the arts, in this case such as mathematics/mathematicism, and more in-depth philosophy analysis, explaining in-depth how free will is compatible with determinism, and building on the ideas of Nietzsche. This is the best series that explains reality more clearly than anything else.

Product details

  • File Size 1863 KB
  • Print Length 339 pages
  • Publisher Hyperreality Books (June 1, 2014)
  • Publication Date June 1, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17  edition by Mike Hockney Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

Tags : Free Will and Will to Power (The God Series Book 17) - Kindle edition by Mike Hockney. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Free Will and Will to Power (The God Series Book 17).,ebook,Mike Hockney,Free Will and Will to Power (The God Series Book 17),Hyperreality Books,PHILOSOPHY Free Will & Determinism,SCIENCE Philosophy & Social Aspects
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Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17 edition by Mike Hockney Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

A symposium of like minded people will be needed to digest this book after reading, basically for the task of having a laugh at the science establishment for being so dimwitted and blind to the fact that, I made the choice to read this book.
It's astonishing and has become quite apparent, that after reading this book even those with an ounce of theory of mind, still find it impossible in the recesses of their disheveled minds that they believe that there is no such thing as free will.
I have just made the decision to have a cup of tea now. Why? Because I can.
Read the God Series. Witness the eternal light of reason. Do the math. Become perfect. Do not live a life of regret.
In this book the Pythagorean Illuminati take on perhaps the most important question of all facing humanity Do we or don't we, as human beings, have free will? When I began this book I was aware (because I had read the previous books in "The God Series") that there were people on this planet who--perhaps ostensibly--do not believe that they are the cause of there own actions; in other words these people do not believe that they have free will. I know it's hard to believe that a self evidently autonomous and free individual could think about themselves in this completely negative way but it's all too true. What I wasn't aware of upon my first reading of this book is how widespread, insidious, and pernicious this strange belief is. The belief that we are unfree is overwhelmingly and ironically trumpeted by both scientific-materialist-atheists and their supposed arch enemies-- The Abrahamists. Of course the "reasoning" for this belief is different in each camp. Scientists believe that they're the result of random scientific forces over which they have no control. The religious people think that they're predestined for heaven or hell by their "benevolent" god before they're even born. The differences between the camps matter not in the least and neither side should be countenanced because both sides are completely insane. Now I don't know about you but I find the thought of a bunch of people running around the planet thinking that they're not responsible for their actions highly disturbing. This type of "thinking" gives rise to all kinds of mischief and chaos and it allows the perpetrators of said mischief and chaos to either say "Oh well, it's not my fault for (insert atrocity here), I'm simply the result of random purposeless atoms in a random purposeless universe and I had no choice" or "Oh well, it's not my fault for (insert atrocity here), it was simply God's will and I had no choice in the matter, I don't want to go to hell after all so I have to do what my God commands of me." Do we really wish to be part a of a society with these types of people? Heck, I don't even want to live on the same planet as them. Thankfully for those of us who are rational the Illuminati have stepped into this debate over free will and as usual they have rigorously and definitively ended the debate. If you weren't already sure of your inherent freedom, after reading "Free Will and Will to Power", you will be.

I enjoyed this book immensely. In it the Pythagorean Illuminati relentlessly deconstruct and destroy the insane scientific/religious mythos that there is no such thing as free will. In fact, as you read this book you will discover a much more powerful term than "Free Will" and that is Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of "Will to Power". In other words, not only are we free to choose but our choices will always revolve around what will bring us the most personal power. So, for example, when I sat down to write this book review I did it of my own volition and for my own reasons and not those of anybody else--god or atom. On the surface I could say that I wrote this book review simply because I loved this book and I would like for other people to experience what I experienced while reading it. However, if I take a deeper look at my reasons for writing this review it quickly becomes clear to me that the decision to write it was, as always, all about my own personal will to power; I truly wrote this book review because writing it increases my power. You see, I want to live in a true Illuminist Meritocracy, I know that my will to power and hence my power will be maximized in a society where every single person is striving to be their very best and every single person has completely equal opportunities to become their very best; only a rational Illuminist Meritocracy can deliver this type of society. I know that to bring about such a society many more people need to read these books and become active. One way to get people to read books is to write a favorable review for the book showing people the benefits they'll get by reading it, i.e. they'll only read the book if they in turn think it will increase their power; once again we're seeing nothing but the will to power in action. So, you can see how I am exercising my own will to power in writing this review and others are doing the same thing when they choose to read this review and purchase or not purchase this book. This is why Nietzsche's "Will to Power" is a much more accurate term than "Free Will".

If you're familiar with the works of these extremely talented authors then you should feel right at home as you read this book. It is written just as superbly as the other 60 plus books that these writers have given us. Even if you have never doubted your inherent freedom and autonomy for one instant it is still important that you read this book because it will give you the ammunition you need to sink the irrational "arguments" of the proponents and adherents of unfreedom--of both the scientific-atheist and religious varieties. In it you will learn that our inherent freedom is inextricably linked to the fact that we are eternal autonomous souls outside of space and time. Nothing created us, nothing caused us, nothing can destroy us, and nothing controls us. . So, to continue your studies in Illuminism/Ontological Mathematics "Free Will and Will to Power" is essential reading. It, like all of the other titles from these authors will open your mind to true reason and move you one step closer to solving your own equation.

If you're unfamiliar with the works of these authors and are thinking of trying one out I would highly recommend it. These books have fundamentally and forever changed me for the better. There are many books and many series to choose from to begin your studies in Illuminism but if you'd like the most complete study of Illuminism I would begin with the books by Adam Weishaupt and Michael Faust. The titles by Adam Weishaupt and Michael Faust are organized into book series much like "The God Series" by Mike Hockney. The Weishaupt book series contain "The Illuminati Series", "The Anti-Christian Series", "The Anti-Elite Series" and " The Sex Series". The Faust book series contain "The Divine Series", "The Hero-God Series", and "The Political Series". Reading the books in these series will give you a good foundation of knowledge and prepare you for the newest and most advanced books from the Pythagorean Illuminati, namely "The God Series" by Mike Hockney of which this book "Free Will and Will to Power" is a part. I would also highly recommend visiting as well. It is an amazing and huge website written by these same authors and anyone interested in Illuminism would be greatly benefitted by reading that site too. 

You can see by a cursory glance at the various reviews for these author's books that people generally fall into two camps concerning these works Camp 1) loves the books; Camp 2) hates the books; there is not many people who are in between the two camps. I believe there is a simple reason for this dichotomy People are either rational or irrational. To me a rational person isn't somebody who never does anything irrational. To me a rational person is a person who wants to have good reasons for their beliefs and they will constantly adjust, amend, change, or completely jettison their prior beliefs when they are presented with truer, more rational beliefs. So a rational person will have many pit-falls of irrationality in their long search for the truth but they will constantly re-asses their beliefs when truer reasons for another way of thinking come along. In other words a rational person has absolutely no interest in beliefs and ideologies; a rational person only cares about truth. On the other hand, an irrational person will cling to irrational beliefs even when they are presented with overwhelmingly rational information that is contrary to their cherished beliefs. Well, these books are the overwhelmingly rational information I'm speaking of, they are the end of the line for truth seekers and any authentic truth seeker will see the truth of this immediately.

I don't even like using the words belief and beliefs in relation to these books. You see, these books are dealing with the Ontological Mathematical truths of existence. These truths of existence are mathematical, deductive, and a-priori meaning that these aren't beliefs but CERTAINTIES. That's why these books are the end of the line for authentic truth seekers, you'll start to see shortly after beginning your first book that there is simply no place else to go, you've found what you've been looking for for many, many lifetimes. These books wipe away the confusion and give us certainty so that we can finally begin the fun part of existence gaining the Ontological Mathematical knowledge that will turn us into Goddesses and Gods. If that last sentence spiked you're interest then these books are the books for you. Pick up the first book in "The God Series" titled "The God Game" and begin your journey to divinity.

It's a little long winded... but this book presents the best case for compatibilism I've read while providing a thorough (if biased) explanation of the competing positions in the free will debate. I highly recommend anyone who's interested in the issue of free will to buy this inexpensive book before shelling out for popular but less philosophically informed authors such as Sam Harris.
This is the best (along with his others and those of the two associated writers) introductory modern series on rationalist idealism in Classical Greek & Cartesian & German Idealist philosophy & postmodernism, including Pythagoreanism/Illumination, Platonism, Hermetism, Gnosticism, Leibnizianism, Hegelianism, formal & natural & social science, religion, and the arts, in this case such as mathematics/mathematicism, and more in-depth philosophy analysis, explaining in-depth how free will is compatible with determinism, and building on the ideas of Nietzsche. This is the best series that explains reality more clearly than anything else.
Ebook PDF Free Will and Will to Power The God Series Book 17  edition by Mike Hockney Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

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